Move-In Instructions

When you move in, you will complete a room inventory in the online housing portal to finalize the stated condition of your room in your residence hall or your apartment.

Checking in

New students can get their keys during Orientation Move-In in Upper Gwinn before moving into their residences. Returning students can pick up their keys in Emerson Hall Lounge on the Saturday (11 a.m.–5 p.m.) and on the Sunday (1–5 p.m.) before classes start.

For specific dates, visit the Residential Calendar. For additional information, read the Student Handbook’s Residential Guidelines.

Building and room access

You will be issued a room key at the completion of your check in. In the residence halls and the Wesley Apartments, residents’ Falcon Cards open the main doors of the building and a separate key allows students to access to their rooms. All other apartment residents are issued one key that allows them access to their unit.

  • Carry your key and Falcon Card with you whenever you leave your room.
  • Do not give your key or Falcon Card to another person for building access.
  • Room keys may not be duplicated or given to others.
  • Anyone who illegally possesses, uses, or duplicates a University key will be subject to a fine and/or disciplinary action.

The residence halls are locked at all times. If you are locked out, a temporary key and/or keycard may be checked out at the Office of Safety and Security.

  • If a room key is reported lost or not returned, the lock will be changed and you will be charged a re-core fee.

For the safety of yourself and other students, promptly report the loss of keys to Safety and Security or the loss of Falcon Cards in your Falcon Card Account with Falcon Card Services.

Students standing together and talking

Falcon Formation

Whether you are a prospective or current student, a parent, or a faculty or staff member, discover how vital “Falcon Formation” is to student life and learning at Seattle Pacific.

A photo of a window, with a woman sitting inside surrounded by a Coffee shop, Common Grounds

Falcon Funds

Falcon Funds can be used to purchase food (tax free) at all campus dining locations and to make non-dining purchases at the Bookstore, Mailing Services, vending machines, residence hall laundry facilities, and outdoor recreation programs.

Questions about housing or meal plans?

Send questions or comments to or call 206-281-2188.

Questions about residence life?

Send questions or comments to or call 206-281-2043.